26 September 2008

Cookie-Tortilla Wrap!

I think Cookie's fetishism for being tortilla-wrapped-up sparked from the day she was wrapped up by my Mom long time ago with a huge table cloth! She just seemed to enjoy the moment so terrifically that she was literally posing! Initially shocked, of course. (Notice her wide eyes!)

This was then!

And recently, Cookie tried it out again. This time by herself. Smart eh? But she used my comforter this time! Smarter eh? Since she was just recovering from the spaying surgery then, I let her enjoy my cozy bed! But just for that day :P (Notice her sleepy eyes this time!)

21 September 2008


How each of them sleep is an art in itself! Yet to capture Pepper's sleeping moment but take a look at Slurpee, Cherry and Cookie in Slumberland.

Slurpee always like the twist.

More twisting.

Cherry being the demure one, sleeps neatly.

A day Cherry was totally worn-out.

Cookie derived the ability to sit and sleep, from her mom, Cherry.


17 September 2008

Cherry Posing.

Cherry; being my Mom's favorite is given full privilege to climb all over my Mom's car. She sure knows how to fully utilize the privilege whenever possible!

16 September 2008

Cookie Finally Well Again.

Cookie's appetite had not been good at all, despite us giving her her favorite fish. This morning she didn't eat either and I began to get real worried. She was extremely quiet and beside herself yesterday. She kept to herself pretty much. Not quite like her! We tried many ways to coax her to eat but she just refused to. So in the afternoon, I called up our regular vet (Hands & Paws @ Aman Suria) to ask what could be causing Cookie low appetite. The vet suggested possible pain, fever or infections. Then my Dad and I decided to take her back to the vet who did the surgery (Yeoh Veterinary Clinic & Surgery @ Taman Megah) for consultation as we began to get really worried.
The doctor on call checked Cookie's temperature which was normal. Thank God! However, I noticed her heartbeat rate was abnormally stainous and fast. The doctor confirmed it. Then, they did a blood test in which her blood was normal; which means no infections! :) What a relief. The doctor then concluded she must be in pain which causes abnormal breathing and low appetite. So, Cookie received an antibiotic booster shot and pain-killer shot. The doctor also administrated antibiotics paste to be given to her once everyday.

Antibiotic paste.

Hardly 5 minutes after the shots, life came back to Cookie. She began climbing my dad as she usually does.

Cookie at her favourite height (this was 3 months ago)

We brought her home and I took her cage into my room and switched the air-con to full speed. Cookie slept while I slept for an hour or so and then she began to mew for food! I brought her some fish which she ate. A huge relief for us all!
Later when my Dad came home and allowed her to be free in the room, she started running, jumping, catching her own tail and playing as she always does! :D It was so much joy to see our Cookie back healthy and happy.

When any one of our cats is sick, it's heart-breaking for us, as they can't communicate their feelings to us and we don't know exactly how to help them. But it is a relief for us all when they're themselves again. :)

15 September 2008

Pepper; our Food Vacuum.

Although Pepper's our youngest cat, and still a thriving kitten, we don't spoil her much. At least, I don't :) I learnt that disciplining cats since young will yield a very lovable and obedient cat later on. Pepper loves doing things you'd never expect, understand or fathom.
In the mornings, when my Dad gives all 4 of them their portion of fish, she would literally vacuum her portion within seconds (literally!) and then run up to Cookie, push her away and continue vacuuming Cookie's portion of fish as well! Cookie, being our polite and gentle angel, would move aside and allow Pepper to complete her mission.
More often than not, Pepper tends to forget she's the youngest and bullies the rest.

Pepper is closest to my Mom as my Mom takes care of her the most during the day. She'd scream her way to be carried by my Mom! Mischievous? No doubt!
Pepper does things abrupt and non-femininely at all. She loves messing up her house and kicking everything everywhere! She'd kick the sand in her litter box all over and sometimes even empty it! The newspaper placed at the bottom of the cage would be all torn and strewn everywhere. As usual, her house has to be cleaned at least twice everyday.
Even though there's stairs in her home, Pepper would rather use the crook's way by climbing up the bars instead.

Pepper hates us applying any medication for her. You'd know that when you hear her screaming "Awww..." or "Nooo...".
Besides all that, Pepper is growing up as she should, though our vet mentioned that she's growing a tummy! Thus the nickname - Food Vacuum!

14 September 2008

Cookie Spayed.

Well, our vet reminds us that the once our cats have their injections for 3 consecutive months followed by spaying (since all our cats are gals), they're healthy enough to not worry about. Slurpee went through her spaying episode a year ago followed by Cherry about 4 months ago.
Cookie just underwent her spaying yesterday! That sure explains why she's away from hyperactive Pepper for now! The usual procedure required her to fast for 12 hours prior to the surgery so we gave her a good feed of fish on Friday night.

Although Slurpee and Cherry underwent the surgery and recovered successfully, I was still anxious and worried about my
Cookie. Being the most pampered and 'manja' one, I was very concerned about her being alone at the vet and the aftermath that she would have to endure.
We sent Cookie to the vet at 10 a.m. and picked her back at 4.30 p.m.. It was indeed difficult to pacify her. My Mom, Dad and I took turns to sit with her and try to get her to sleep which was difficult as the surgery was done close to her leg so it was painful for her to sit or bend over. Her cries affected us a lot as well. But we knew ultimately the whole thing is for her own benefit.

That's my baby crying! :'(

Now Cookie has much recovered though there's slight rashes on the part the vet shaved off. Probably because she licked it. But anyhow, we got a antibiotic-steroid cream, prescribed over the phone by the vet. Cookie's appetite is still low although we give her fish. She should be up and about in a couple of days :)

Wonder why they shave excessive fur off?

11 September 2008

After 2 Years & 4 Cats!

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. -- Helen Keller

Almost 2 years has flown by since I first fell in love with 'cats'. Time has indeed passed quickly! 2 years and 4 cats! I just thought to pen down my heartfelt feelings about these adorable creatures after these while.

As I mentioned at the beginning of my blog, I was born the dog-lover as I had a pet dog since I was born for some years. Of course, I still love puppies and dogs. I still do yearn to own one but probably when I'm in a better financial situation than now. Dogs need plenty of quality time for attention and walks plus tons of moo-lah in maintaining them! I'm getting there soon! :)
I've heard of cats - Persians and such, being the kinda creatures which dislikes petting and too much attention. I always had the impression that cats only want to be served and pampered. That was my pre-conceived ideas of ALL cats! And boy, was I so wrong!! I own 4 awesome DSH (Domestic Short Hair) cats and I know now, cats were nothing I imagined them to be!
After Slurpee and Cherry came into my life, I began to learn tons about cats, observing and taking care of them. They indeed are so much more lovable than I even thought! All the more when Cookie was born and Pepper was found a short time later, my lessons on cats grew. I'm so thankful for not missing out these beautiful moments in life.
  • LESSON #1
Cats are indeed grateful creatures. Cherry would rub her head against our legs whenever we give her food before devouring them - her grateful gesture. Slurpee would not waste one bit of food. If it falls from her plate, she would use her paw, pull it towards her and eat it up.
  • LESSON #2
Cats DO love pampering and to snuggle close to you! All our four beauties enjoy us carrying them and being stoked and petted. But that is only when they fully trust you and are entirely familiar with you.
  • LESSON #3
Cats can be trained! My Mom proved to me that anyone at all can be taught. My Mom started off with training Slurpee to do stuff like 'turning over', 'shaking hands', 'play & catch' and 'eat' successfully. Then My Dad began to train Cherry to 'turn over', 'come', 'sit' and many more. I tried training Cookie and now she's a real darling! Now Pepper is in the training process.
Though being the only cat who roams around freely, Cherry is the most obedient of them all. You'll have to see to believe!

  • LESSON #4
Cats are extremely intelligent. As for this, it varies in each cat.
Slurpee is an alert cat with the knowledge of every new object around her. She always rushed to it to check it out.

As for Cherry, she understands our words just too well. Sometimes I feel she's so human!
Cookie knows when we are going to take her back to her cage, she would run to a corner and hide. Cookie would mew or cry until she gets what she wants. Mischievous but her demands are always reasonable so we give in :)
As for Pepper, she knows exactly when to cry what. Meaning, when we're applying cream or medication for her, she would cry out "Awww!" and when I'm giving her the oral Cod Liver Oil she would promptly shake her head and say "Nooo!" Not kidding! Hear to believe! ;)

I'll continue to update this section when I do recall other lessons I've learnt :)

Photogenic Cookie.

Cookie was born photogenic! Also being the only baby cat we grew up since birth, I had plenty of opportunities bonding with her and photographing her cuteness :) Here are some of Cookie's best shots. Enjoy them!

Cookie observing Dad preparing fish for her.

Baby Cookie sleeping in my hands.

Cookie with her big eyes.

Cookie with her first friend, Eeyore.

Cookie having a fever (but still posing!)

Kittens Unite Again.

Each in their own territory... but not for long!

It was indeed a beautiful moment to watch Cookie and Pepper happy together and un-lonely again. They had so much fun roving and playing around to celebrate their reunion. Pepper is being pampered all over again! But soon... they'll have to be separated for another short period once again... Keep tuned.

10 September 2008

Wood Lamp.

This post is up by the special request of my best friend, Ye En. She takes great interest in the happenings of all my four cats. Love you, gal <3
By the way, this is the Wood Lamp. At least, that's what the vet called it.

When it's off.

When it's on, in the dark.

It's a bump! No. It's ring-worms!

We found a bleeding wound on Pepper's forehead on 7 August 2008. Actually, Ye En who was over at my house noticed the 'injury' on Pepper's forehead (between her right ear and eye: the size of a 50-cent coin). It was bleeding at that moment and I had not much time to be with her (and also thinking it was an injury due to her running and falling moments), I dabbed off the blood and applied Body Shop Butter on it.
Days later, the bleeding stopped but I continued to apply iodine and gave her Seven Seas Cod Liver Oil orally everyday. Thank God I did! But the wounds did not seem to heal neither did the fur at that spot seem to regrow :(

Then, on 19 August 2008, while carrying Pepper as usual, I suddenly noticed a similar looking wound on her left paw! This one was much smaller (about the circumference of a straw) and one of her fingers were almost eaten up! Mortified was I! Although she lives with Cookie, I knew very well that Cookie had nothing to do with this. Immediately I called up our vet, described everything and he asked me to take her in for consultation. That was when we finally knew it was RING-WORMS attacking our baby! I was totally disappointed with myself for not taking Pepper to the vet any earlier!
Ringworm is an annoying, highly contagious fungal disorder that is curable. The problem with this disorder is that there are 35 different species of ringworm that can affect cats, dogs and be transmitted to humans as well. (Source: http://rubyglen.com/pets/ringworm.htm)

and Cookie had to be separated due to the infection being contagious. It was indeed a very difficult time for Cookie, Pepper and us as well; to see both of them suffer alone (esp. Cookie being terrified being alone).
The vet prescribed an anti-fungal gel to be applied once a day and anti-fungal shampoo to be applied for 10 minutes before washing it off every few days.
Pepper took the treatment very badly as the lotion smears her skin due to alcohol content and she hates being wet (which cat likes being wet anyway?)
All of us took turns taking care of her and it sure paid off! Today Pepper officially recovered! How do we know? My Dad bought the Wood Lamp to check out her wounds for the worms and when we used it to check her wounds this morning, it was all clear! Thank you, Jesus! :)

Notice the improvement at that spot? :)

After showering Cookie and Pepper today, we put them back together again! And you should see how crazily happy they are together now. I'm bliss. *phewww*

07 September 2008

Cookie Chews Leaves.

Now about Cookie and chewing. I guess it's pretty much a cat's hobby-chewing on things as I noticed later that Cookie too enjoyed chewing! But Cookie loves has the fetishism for leaves and hair! Anything that dangles mid-air :) Here Cookie conveniently chews on a pot of leaves in the kitchen. Tsk tsk tsk...

05 September 2008

Slurpee's Slipper Fetishism.

Slurpee is extremely alert and inquisitive. She notices every new object in our house and observes every passing creature! Slurpee even inspects newbies to ensure they're not destructive to her. Here Slurpee explores my Dad's slippers while he was away!

02 September 2008

Cherry, our Faithful one.

Cherry grew up beautifully as time passed. Initially she was often scared of us, running away whenever we come around eventually we managed to gain Cherry's confidence in us. Although Cherry is my Mom's favorite, somehow Cherry enjoys being around my Dad more. Cherry gets the ultimate privilege of climbing and sleeping on Mom's car as and when she likes. Cherry is more like a puppy to us. Cherry loves chasing flies and mosquitoes as well as lizards. That explains why we find headless lizards in our porch nearly every morning!
Cherry accompanies Dad during his outside chores; be it gardening, cleaning, painting or washing the car. Cherry always responds to our calls whenever she's roaming around outside.

Cherry even follows my Dad to his car every morning, refusing to stay put! Therefore, my Dad has to carry her around the park or take her for a car ride before sending her home again. Cherry is the only cat we have that has never once showed her temper or anger. She's always the gentle and graceful one, rubbing on our legs or following us around the house. That's our faithful and sweet-spirited Cherry.

01 September 2008

Slurpee Dances The Night Away.

Slurpee rocks and rolls on the marble dance floor! Poser rite? ;)
My little débutante!