22 October 2008

No News = Good News!

No posts lately? Simply because, all my 4 princesses are doing just great! (Besides growing fatter!) :D Slurpee's fallen hair is growing back, slowly but surely :) Cherry runs around as usual, catching flies and killing lizards daily.

Daddy's darling girl.

Mummy's hot favorite!

Cookie is our gentle angel and she's growing up so beautifully. As for Pepper, she's still busy as usual disturbing Cookie 24/7 besides learning a new trade of killing flies! However, Pepper has been influenced by Cookie and is definitely growing up very well *phew*!

14 October 2008

Last Week.

Now that I've narrated much about Slurpee, Cherry, Cookie and Pepper in my previous posts, I'll be doing weekly updates unless something interesting crops up :) Meanwhile, I'm working on baking and my other blog.

Last week, we noticed Slurpee's fur shedding a big deal! I was particularly worried thinking of all the possibilities and probabilities. So, we took her to the vet who did flea test and other checks only to comfort us that she was, otherwise, perfectly fine!

Slurpee at her favorite spot in the kitchen.

Hmm. Anyhow, he suggested we administrate a laxative paste to expel hairball from pets (dogs and especially cats) which is supposed to be a monthly procedure.

Laxapet Gel - RM21

Cookie, as I always mention, rejects any kind of foreign medicine or anything to be taken orally. Somehow, we had to get it into her mouth and she ended up like this!

Cookie with Laxapet Gel all over her mouth!

As for Cherry, she's doing just great though a bit more mischievous these days!

Cherry rolling around... as always!

I managed to spend some quality time with Pepper by letting her be around me while I'm at the computer or in my room. She's growing up well (physically and character) but will still not give Cookie a break! Probably it's Pepper's way of showing her affection to Cookie. Hehe...

Wide-eyed Pepper.

06 October 2008


Slurpee, Cherry, Cookie and Pepper are all doing great! I switched the homes of Slurpee and Cookie & Pepper for a couple of weeks now to give them a change of environment. Pepper is enjoying the extra run-around space tremendously! Cookie is getting less and less of sleep... Thanks to Pepper's persistence in playing! Slurpee is sleeping most of the times, as usual. Cherry runs around and keeps us company as she always does!

Slurpee in her attempt of height.

Cherry: auto-turn-over!

Cookie with goblin ears!

Pepper camouflaging with my Mom's car.