26 August 2008

Hot & Spicy Pepper.

There's BLACK pepper and WHITE pepper.
But my lil one is GREY Pepper :)
Nah... Take a look!

That's our littlest baby kitten on the very day she was added into our growing family of cats.
29 June 2008 was a rainy Sunday. It was pouring since the time I woke up, the entire day! I went to church in the morning, had lunch, rested in my warm cozy bed and headed out for night market with Dad.
When Dad parked his car, he said he heard a cat mewing loudly under a car. I ran to investigate!
There Pepper was, lying in a pool of water, under a car, unable to move as she was too tiny and weak to jump to the pavement. And even if she did, she would have been further soaked!
My heart shattered! This poor child was in the cold, dirty water since morning. I lured her out, grabbed her and ran home. I quickly got warm water and a cloth and wiped her. [Til today, whenever I recall that incident, it still causes a sharp pierce in my heart]
Pepper had the naughtiest face you could ever imagine of a cat! Noisy too was she! Cookie and Cherry who were indoors then, started hissing at baby Pepper.
That day, Pepper officially became the baby of the family. Much to Cookie's initial annoyance. Today, the story has changed entirely :) Both Cookie and Pepper just can't bear being apart! Cookie plays big sis to Pepper and sure is playing her role real well! Lovely twosome chasing tails and climbing bars. Amazing entertainment most of the times! Here's Pepper's first video on her first night with us.


yeen said...

Hey, u mms this picture to me b4..i always thought pepper was cute and innocent until that day i met her... she look so different when she was young!!

Sheryl Hoh said...

haha! u shud c her now! screaming all da way...