14 September 2008

Cookie Spayed.

Well, our vet reminds us that the once our cats have their injections for 3 consecutive months followed by spaying (since all our cats are gals), they're healthy enough to not worry about. Slurpee went through her spaying episode a year ago followed by Cherry about 4 months ago.
Cookie just underwent her spaying yesterday! That sure explains why she's away from hyperactive Pepper for now! The usual procedure required her to fast for 12 hours prior to the surgery so we gave her a good feed of fish on Friday night.

Although Slurpee and Cherry underwent the surgery and recovered successfully, I was still anxious and worried about my
Cookie. Being the most pampered and 'manja' one, I was very concerned about her being alone at the vet and the aftermath that she would have to endure.
We sent Cookie to the vet at 10 a.m. and picked her back at 4.30 p.m.. It was indeed difficult to pacify her. My Mom, Dad and I took turns to sit with her and try to get her to sleep which was difficult as the surgery was done close to her leg so it was painful for her to sit or bend over. Her cries affected us a lot as well. But we knew ultimately the whole thing is for her own benefit.

That's my baby crying! :'(

Now Cookie has much recovered though there's slight rashes on the part the vet shaved off. Probably because she licked it. But anyhow, we got a antibiotic-steroid cream, prescribed over the phone by the vet. Cookie's appetite is still low although we give her fish. She should be up and about in a couple of days :)

Wonder why they shave excessive fur off?

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